Maximum Alternates Pop-up Menu LogoVista E to J displays as many alternates as it can generate, up to the number you set. A larger number provides more choices but takes more time to display. Postposition Pop-up Menu Use this pop-up menu to select the appropriate post-position to use with the direct object of this verb. Preposition Pop-up Menu Pick Adjectival if the Japanese translation for this preposition modifies a noun. Pick Adverbial if it modifies a verb. Verb Type Pop-up Menu Use this pop-up menu to select the appropriate type for the verb requires a direct object (Transitive), takes no direct object (Intransitive) or may or may not have a direct object (Trans or Intrans). Japanese Word Pop-up Menu Use this pop-up menu to provide additional information about the Japanese translation. The content of this menu varies with the type of word you are defining. Part of Speech Pop-up Menu Use this pop-up menu to define the type of word you are defining. User Dictionaries Pop-up Menu Use this pop-up menu to select the user dictionary to use when adding a new entry for an undefined word. User Dictionaries Pop-up Menu This pop-up menu lists loaded user dictionaries. To add the English word and selected alternate translation to a user dictionary, choose the user dictionary from this menu, then click Edit/Add. Proper Nouns Pop-up Menu Use this pop-up menu to select the desired language for proper nouns in the translation. Capitalized nouns that are not found in the loaded dictionaries are affected by this setting. Formality Pop-up Menu Use this pop-up menu to select the desired formality of the translation. Part of Speech Pop-Up menu Use this menu to view or change the part of speech setting for selected English text. To see the effect of a changed setting, retranslate the sentence containing the setting. Choose the size for text in the document window from this menu. English and Japanese text are always shown in the same size. Japanese Font Pop-up Menu Use this pop-up menu to select the font for Japanese text in this window. Choose the font for Japanese and English text from this menu.